How Has Monetary and Regulatory Policy Affected Trading Relationships in the U.S. Repo Market?
Sriya Anbil and Zeynep Senyuz
What Drives Dollar Funding Stress in Distress?
Yuewen Tang and Alfred Wong
Withering Cash: Is Sweden Ahead of the Curve or Just Special?
Hanna Armelius, Carl Andreas Claussen, and André Reslow
Is Inflation Domestic or Global? Evidence from Emerging Markets
Rudolfs Bems, Francesca Caselli, Francesco Grigoli, and Bertrand Gruss
Excess Persistence in Employment of Disadvantaged Workers
Bruce Fallick and Pawel Krolikowski
Monetary Policy, Inflation Target, and the Great Moderation: An Empirical Investigation
Qazi Haque
Online appendix
Macroprudential Policy, Monetary Policy, and Euro Zone Bank Risk
Elien Meuleman and Rudi Vander Vennet
What Do Online Listings Tell Us about the Housing Market?
Michele Loberto, Andrea Luciani, and Marco Pangallo