Special Issue: Federal Reserve System Conference on Monetary Policy - Strategy, Tools, and Communication Practices
Monetary Policy Strategies for the Federal Reserve

Lars E.O. Svensson
Stockholm School of Economics, CEPR, and NBER


The paper finds that the general monetary policy strategy of "forecast targeting" is more suitable for fulfilling the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability than following a simple "instrument" rule such as a Taylor-type rule. Forecast targeting can be used for any of the more specific strategies of annual-inflation targeting, price-level targeting, temporary price-level targeting, average-inflation targeting, and nominal-GDP targeting. These specific strategies are examined and evaluated according to how well they may fulfill the dual mandate, considering the possibilities of a binding effective lower bound for the federal funds rate and a flatter Phillips curve. Nominal-GPD targeting has substantial principal and practical disadvantages and is found to be inferior to the other strategies. Average-inflation targeting is found to have some advantages over the other strategies.

JEL Code: E52, E58.

Full article (PDF, 61 pages, 1,391 kb)